
Personal Information
  1. How are you?
  2. I'm quite fine. Thanks.
  3. What is your name?
  4. My name is Alejandro.
  5. How do you spell it?
  6. A-L-E-J-A-N-D-R-O.
  7. What is your telephone number?
  8. 3662019.
  9. What do you do?
  10. I'm a student.
  11. Where are you from?
  12. I'm from Colombia.
  13. Where about in Colombia are you from?
  14. I'm from Medellin, Antioquia.
  15. How old are you?
  16. I'm fifteen years old.
  17. What is your marital status?
  18. I'm singler.
  19. When is your birthday.
  20. My birthday is on october twenty-first(21). 
Dvolver Moviemaker
    Create a dialogue using three scenes and topyc one.

      Mr. Bean Routine

      Melina's Daily Routine

        1. Listen and write the info about Melina.

        2. Solve the quiz on-line. (http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=everyday-actions)

          My Description

          I am thin, short and have white skin. I have average height and average weight. I have black short and straight hair. My face is oval and my nose is average. I have average height and average weight.


          (By: The Teacher David)
          1. Agency Name:
          2.      Chubby Travel.
          3. Goal:
          4.      To give the opporunity to chubby people to travel around the world and to have a beautiful     time.
          5. Hotel Name:
          6.      Ayana Resort Bali
                 Vila Lumburg Bali
          7. Main Itinerary:
          8.      6:00 a.m.   -  Airport Rionegro
                 10:00 a.m. -  Airplane to Bogota
                                      Airplane to France
                                      Airplane to Bali
                 7:00 a.m.   - Arrival to Bali
                 2:00 p.m.   - Pulse
                                     Enchanting Temple Ceremonies
                                     Ribbons of Beaches
                 7:00 a.m.   - Breakfast
                 10:00 a.m. - Lunch
          9. Main Touristic Places:    
              1. Museum Negeri Propins
              2. Danau Batur
              3. Botanic Garden
              4. Traditional Market of Ubud
              5. Bali Treetop Adventure Park
              6. Monkey Forest Sanctuary
              7. Extreme Toys
          10. Currency:
          11.      The Rupiah
                 1 USD = 8.901,29 IDR
          12. Prices
          13.      1 person: $ 15'000.000 COP
                 2 persons: $ 25'000.000 COP
                 3rd person: Free


          1. The pantheon is dedicated to...?
          2.      Olympus Gods.
          3. What is the name of the hotel?
          4.      Lord Byron Hotel.
          5. What is the itinerary the departure day?
          6.      JMC Airport - 5:00 a.m.
                 Scale at El Dorado Airport
                 Scale in Barajas (Madrid)
                 And then travel directly to Lord Byron Hotel.


          1. What is the most important place?
          2.      The Grand Canal.
          3. What is the name and the objective?
          4.      Name: B&N Agency.
                 Goal: To travel with all the nigga people who is discriminated in their country.
          5. Itinerary for Saturday.
          6.      12:00 a.m. - Beccafico Venecia.
                 3:00 p.m.   - The Gran Canal.
                 7:00 p.m.   - Devils Forest Pub Venecia.
          7. Whom is the "Gondola" for?
          8.      Only for poor people, old people and couples.


          1. What is the hotel's name?
          2.      Hyatt Regency Curaçao Hotel.
          3. Curaçao is known as the country of...?
          4.      The country of Lizards.
          5. What is the legal currency and the official language in Curaçao?
          6.      Currency: Naft ( 1 Dollar = 2 Naft ).
                 Language: Dutch ( Also Spanish and English ).

          Las Vegas

          1. What is the objective?
          2.      To travel with all the big eyed and bad spoken english peolple.
          3. What time do we go to Wax Museum?
          4.      On the second day: Saturday.
          5. How much is the trip?
          6.      One person all included: $3.424, which is 6'998.000 COP.
                 The second person pays the half. So, two people is: $5.009, which is 10'422.700 COP.
          7. Itinerary for the first day?
          8.      Friday:
                      8:00 a.m. - Breakfast.
                      2:00 p.m. - Citizen Kitchen Bar for lunch.
                      3:00 p.m. - Grand Canyon.
                      8:00 p.m. - Classic Las Vegas: Vegas! The Show.


          Will: I will own the world.

          Goint to: On Saturday it is going to snow.

          Present Progressive: By the time I earn more money, I'm buying new clothes.

          Future Perfect: Tomorrow the school will have seen my knowledge.

          Future Continous: Next week I will be playing the piano.

          Used To

          Technical Text

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